Awards & Recognitions
Year Awards & Recognition Source Relevant Field
2021 Climate Resilient Award Act Alliance Climate Resilience
2017 National Kala Surabhi Award 8th Satasahi Katak Nrutyotsav, Rajabagicha, Katak National competition cum festival of Dance Drama & Music
2016 National Nrutya Ratna Award 7th Satasahi Katak Nrutyotsav, Rajabagicha, Katak National competition cum festival of Dance Drama & Music
2015 Certificate of Participation
Maharashtra Emergency Earthquake Rehabilitation Program
Jila Sankriti Parisad, Cuttack
Govt. of Maharashtra
Cuttak Balijatra Utsav
Emergency Relief support given to Latur Earthquake victims
2014 5th JSW Earthcare Awards Times Group & JSW Foundation Excellence in Climate change Mitigation & Adaptation
2007 Certificate of Appreciation Madras Development Society Sunami Relief, Rehabilitation & Reconstruction work
2006 Certificate of Appreciation Azeecon 10th Annual Participation meet
2003 Best NGO of the Year Award Bhubaneswar Govt. of Odisha Recongnised the humanitarian and development and Livelihood support work of LWSIT as the best in Bhubaneswar, Odisha
Year Name of the Individual/ Organisation Name of the Individual/ Organisation Appreciation in Quotes for Relevant Field
2021 Letter Of Appreciation Block Development Office, Junagarh Panchayat Samiti, Govt. of Odisha For unconditional ash Transfer to Migrant and deprived families, Distribution of COVID-19 sanitation items, income generation support etc..
2016 Letter Of Appreciation Dy. Commissioner & District Majistrate, Kokrajhar, Assam Relief, rehabilitation, local resource based livelihood spport, peace and reconciliation
Letter Of Appreciation Mr. Chita Ranjan Majhi, Pada Committee member We the members of Mahalaxmi Pada Committee happily praised our heartfelt thanks and gratitude to LWSIT for their Nobel work carried out in our community where as a deprived physical challenged women got her identity to live in the society with joy. During the COVID-19 pandemic situation, LWSIT, a humanitarian organization came forward to lend their hand to the deprived and mentally sick person who was struggling for livelihood and live with dignity in the society. We have taken many efforts to assist her for any kinds of support from the government department but the concerned department ignored her as she is unable to speak out her problems and restricted to movement any place due to the mental disorder. We the members of village committee obliged for such humanitarian support to a deprived family
Letter Of Appreciation Mr. Harekrushna Majhi, Ex Zilla Parisad Member an active community member of the Mashra Pada This is a nice initiative and really appreciable work done by LWSIT as during the time of COVID-19 second wave, many people had suffered from the killer disease. Nevertheless, LWSIT came forward to help the people with unconditional cash transfer, hygienic kits, masks and formed a Task Force which all the members of the group creating awareness among the people to understand the grave situation of COVID-19 pandemic.
Letter Of Appreciation Ms. Damayanti Majhi ,Women member of Maa Thakurani SHG, Borguda community Really the youth are the future of the nation as they have to try forward and create a history as warriors of Corona to create awareness among the people. The Covid Bahini sensitized the people about the COVID-19 appropriate behaviour and motivated us to go for vaccination where some had the misconception that vaccination may harm them. Now all our community people are vaccinated and we are feeing happy that we are now safe from the Corona virus. Our best wishes to LWSIT as we are obliged to the task force members of our panchayat to show us the path for a new lifeline

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