Mobilizes people to form
organizations or groups through which
development interventions in the community is
carried out |
CBOs and SHGs are
encouraged to mobilize resources from the
government and from within the community |
CBOs and SHGs are assisted
with income generation opportunities with
special emphasis to women |
Support groups with income
generation activities group farming |
Training and support for
sustainable agriculture practice to small and
marginal farmers |
Promotes organic farming |
Promotes community managed
grain banks |
Creates awareness and
develops capacity for effective natural
resource management and conservation with a
view to mitigate the adverse impacts of
climate change. |
Promotes water and soil
conservation measures as well as
environmentally sustainable agriculture
practices |
Encourage communities to
plant trees on available land in order to
increase vegetation. Communities in the
coastal areas are supported to plant wind
breaker plantations |
Supports communities with
renewable energy sources for lighting and
cooking |
Encourages enrolment of
children in formal schools and support them to
continue their education |
Operates study centres to
provide additional guidance to the formal
school children to cope up with their school
curriculum |
Operates Non Formal
Education centres for illiterate adults and
out of school children |
Organizes Self Help Groups |
Women are trained to take
up leadership roles and to develop their
capacity to take active part in decision
making process |
Organizes gender
sensitization programs involving both men and
women |
Organizes market oriented
vocational trainings |
Women are supported with
income generation activities, increasing their
economic independence |
Training on book keeping |
Training on organizational
development |
Training on leadership
development |
Training on advocacy and
lobbying |
Paralegal training